오류발생 알림화면(허용되지 않는 요청을 하셨습니다)
javax.servlet.error.status_code :> 200
javax.servlet.error.message :>  ### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Subquery returns more than 1 row ### The error may exist in file [/home/aakcast/www/WEB-INF/classes/com/spring/cms/modules/ticket/dao/sqlMap.xml] ### The error may involve ticketDAO.getOptionList-Inline ### The error occurred while setting parameters ### SQL: select option_code, ( select option_name from AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT where idx = ? and site_idx = ? and option_type = 1 ) option1_kind, option1, ( select option_dtl_name from AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT_DTL where idx = ? and site_idx = ? and option_idx = ( select option_idx from AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT where idx = ? and site_idx = ? and option_type = 1 ) and option_order = x.option1 ) option1_nm, ( select option_name from AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT where idx = ? and site_idx = ? and option_type = 2 ) option2_kind, option2, ( select option_dtl_name from AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT_DTL where idx = ? and site_idx = ? and option_idx = ( select option_idx from AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT where idx = ? and site_idx = ? and option_type = 2 ) and option_order = x.option2 ) option2_nm, sell_cost, add_cost, add_cost, inventory, resort_option, price_org, max_person, max_children, IFNULL(normal_cost, price_org) normal_cost from AAK_GOODS_NATION n inner join AAK_GOODS_NATION_OPT_X x on n.idx = x.idx and n.site_idx = x.site_idx where n.idx = ? and n.site_idx = ? and useyn = 'Y' order by option1, option2 ### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Subquery returns more than 1 row ; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Subquery returns more than 1 row